Recently Updated Pages
Add a Canva Link
Click the "Add" button (See image below). A form will appear inline, allowing you to enter: Ca...
Log in to Jira Ensure you are logged in with Admin privileges. Open the Atlassian M...
Key Features
List Saved Canva Links View all Canva links associated with a Jira issue in a clean, organ...
Additional Help and Support
The Canva Integration for Jira app makes it easy to manage and access Canva designs within Jira. ...
What if the Canva link doesn’t load?Ensure the link is public and accessible. If Canva blocks...
View Canva Design
Click on the Show link to see the Canva design in an iframe directly inside the Jira issue (See i...
Remove a Canva Link
Each saved link can be Removed: Delete: Triggers a confirmation popup for deletion.
Edit a Canva Link
Each saved link can be Edited: Edit: Opens the inline form for modifications.
View Saved Canva Links
Click the "Canva Integration" button in the toolbar of a Jira issue (see image below). This opens...
Canva Integration for Jira
User Documentation: Canva Integration for Jira App This guide explains how to use the Canva Inte...
Appvibe Documentation
Elevate Your Productivity with Leading B2B Solutions Appvibe is at the forefront of B2B marketpl...
Slack Integration for Jira
The Slack integration for Jira provides communication between your Jira workspace and Slack. Any ...
Key Terminology
Understanding the core terminology of Appvibe Test Management is essential to make the most out o...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This page provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Appvibe Test Mana...
Common Issues and Fixes
This section covers common issues you might encounter while using Appvibe Test Management for mon...
Best Practices for Reporting and Analytics
Generate Reports Regularly: Generate test execution and traceability reports at the end of each...
Custom Dashboards and Analytics
Appvibe Test Management offers customizable dashboards, giving you real-time insights into your t...
Traceability Reports
Traceability is essential in test management, ensuring that all requirements are tested and chang...
Test Execution Reports
Test execution reports are a key feature of Appvibe Test Management for, providing det...
Initial Setup Checklist
To ensure everything is properly configured and ready for use, follow this checklist after settin...