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Key Terminology

Understanding the core terminology of Appvibe Test Management is essential to make the most out of its capabilities. Below is a glossary of key terms you will encounter as you use the platform.


Test Case

A set of steps, conditions, and inputs designed to verify a specific feature or function of your system. It includes test steps, expected results, and actual outcomes to determine whether the system behaves as expected.

Test Case Version

Each iteration of a test case that tracks updates or modifications over time. Keeping track of test case versions ensures that changes to the system are properly documented and tested.

Test Case Traceability

Test Steps

Individual actions or instructions required to execute a test case. Test steps detail what the tester needs to do at each stage of testing, along with the expected outcome.

Test Action Item

A specific task or action the tester must perform within a test step. For example, an action item might be "clicking a button," "entering data," or "executing an API call."

Test Cycle

A collection of test cases executed together to validate a system’s functionality or quality. Test cycles are typically linked to specific releases or sprints and track testing progress and outcomes.

Test Execution

The process of running a test cycle to verify system functionality. Testers record the actual outcomes and determine whether the test cases have passed or failed.


The process of documenting and summarizing the results of test executions. Reports include metrics like pass/fail rates, defects found, and coverage, helping teams make informed decisions about product quality.

Test Execution Reports

A summary of test case results from a specific test cycle. These reports show the status of each test case (passed, failed, or blocked) and provide insights into overall testing progress.

Traceability Reports